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Average Flight School Earns $1,400
In Profit Per Month Using AV8Prep.Com


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$700 per month

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Profit To
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$1,400 per month

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Per Month


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Your School

$2,100 per month

New Students
Per Month


Profit To
Your School

$2,800 per month

Earn monthly profits with a customized education software to match your flight schools needs

3-part Educational Process


Part #1: Fundamentals of FlightMeet 61.87 part b, aeronautical knowledge for student pilot pre-solo training


  • Lesson 1:Airplane Flight controls: Pitch, Roll, Yaw-61.87 (b)(1)(iii), 65.105(b)(10)
  • Lesson 2:Airplane Engine & How They Produce Power 61.87(d)(1), 61.105(b)(10)
  • Lesson 3:Fuel System-61.87(d)(1), 61.105(b)(10)
  • Lesson 4:Electrical System-61.87(d)(1), 61.105(b)(10)
  • Lesson 5:Flight Instruments;Information They Provide & How They Operate-61.87(d)(1), 61.105(b)(10)
  • Lesson 6:Engine Instruments: Monitoring Engine Performance-61.87(d)(1), 61.105(b)(10)
  • Lesson 7:Aerodynamics; Lift, Drag and Angle Of Attack-61.87(d)(10), 61.105(b)(10)
  • Lesson 8:Aerodynamics:Straight & Level, Climb & Descent and Maneuvering Flight-61.87(d)(4)(5)(8),
  • Lesson 9:Aerodynamics: Slow Flight, Power On & Off Stalls & Spins-61.87(d)(9)(10), 61.105(b)(11)

Part #2: Preflight & AircraftLearn about your flight school airplane


  • Lesson 10:Requirements for Private Pilot certificate-61.103
  • Lesson 11:Pilot In Command Responsibility-91.3
  • Lesson 12:Hazardous Attitudes, Self Assessent (IMSAFE)-91.17, 61.105(b)(12), Pilots Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge-FAA
  • Lesson 13:Student Pilot Privileges and Limitations — 61.87(n), 61.89, 61.93
  • Lesson 14:Preflight Briefing: Sources, Types, Interpretation — 61.87(d)(1), 91.103, 61.105(b)(13)(1)
  • Lesson 15:Basic VFR Weather Minimums — 91.155, 61.105(b)(6)
  • Lesson 16:Weight & Balance-91.103, 61.105(b)(9)
  • Lesson 17:Required Documents: Pilot & Aircraft-91.7, 91.9, 91.203(a)(1)(2)(b)
  • Lesson 18:Pre-Flight Inspection-61.87(d)(1),91.7, 91.9, 91.103, 91.203, 91.205, 91.207, 91.209, 91.403, 91.409, 91.411, 91.413, 91.417
  • Lesson 19:Fuel Requirements — 61.87(d)(1), 91.151(a)(1)(2)
  • Lesson 20:Takeoff and Landing Distance Requirements — 61.87(d)(1)
  • Lesson 21:Custom Aircraft (Lesson customized to your flight school aircraft) – See Below

Custom Aircraft Training
Lesson 21

Built custom for your flight school aircraft. Interactive training video reviews:
  • V Speeds for your aircraft:
    Vr – Rotation Speed
    Vx – Best Angle of Climb
    Vy – Best Rate of Climb
    Vs – Stall Speed (Cruise Configuration)
    Vso – Stall Speed (Landing Configuration)
  • Va – Maneuvering Speed
    Vno- Max Speed for Normal Operations
    Vne- Never Exceed Speed
    Vfe – Max Flap Speed
    Vle- Max Gear Down Speed (if applicable)
    Vg – Best Glide Speed

Carbureted / Fuel Injected Details for your aircraft
High Wing / Low Wing Fuel System for your aircraft


Part #3: Ground and Flight Operations Learn about your local airspace including the rules and procedures


  • Lesson 22:Engine Start-61.87(d)(1)
  • Lesson 23:Ground Operations-61.87(d)(2), 91.107, 91.123, 91.209, AIM 2-3
  • Lesson 24:Engine Run-Up & Pre-Takeoff Checklist-61.87(d)(2)
  • Lesson 25:Normal Takeoff & Climb/Crosswind Takeoff & Climb-61.87(d)(3)
  • Lesson 26:Airport Traffic Patterns-61.87(d)(6), AIM 4-3-3
  • Lesson 27:Air, Ground & Radio Procedures: Non-Towered Airports-61.105(b)(5)
  • Lesson 28:Air, Ground & Radio Procedures: Towered Airports- 61.105(b)(5)
  • Lesson 29:Right of Way Rules — 91.113
  • Lesson 30:Minimum Safe Altitudes — 91.119
  • Lesson 31:Collision Avoidance-61.87(d)(7), 61.105(b)(7) 91.111(a)
  • Lesson 32:Wind Shear Avoidance-61.87(d)(7), 61.105(b)(6)
  • Lesson 33:Wake Turbulence: Identification & Avoidance-61.87.(d)(7), 61.105(b)(7)
  • Lesson 34:Land and Hold Short Operations (LAHSO) — AIM 4-3-11
  • Lesson 35:Normal Approach & Landing-61.87(d)(13)
  • Lesson 36:Crosswind Approach & Landing-61.87(d)(3)
  • Lesson 37:Go-Around/ Aborted Landing Approach-61.87(d)(15)
  • Lesson 38:Emergency Situations-61.87)d)(11), 91.3(b)
  • Lesson 39:Lost Procedures-AIM-6-4-1, ACS-Task D-ASEL
  • Lesson 40:Airspace “A” to “G”- 91.126-135
  • Lesson 41:Special Use Airspace — AIM 3-4-1
  • Lesson 42:Custom Airspace (Lesson customized to your flight school airport and airspace) – See Below

Custom Airspace Training
Lesson 42

Built custom for your home airport, airspace and surrounding area. Interactive training video reviews:
  • Local Airport Diagram
    Home Airspace
  • Surrounding Airspace
    Long Cross-Country Flight Plan


What is is a free service for flight schools that creates a customized online training program for their students. Inside the customized portal includes:
1. FAA required pre-solo knowledge lessons & exams
2. Customized aircraft knowledge portals (i.e. - C172, PA-28, etc)
3. Local airspace knowledge portals (i.e. - Jacksonville Class Charlie and all local airspace education)

What does it cost to create a learning software for my flight school?

It’s Free! builds a customized portal for your students to learn the FAA knowledge, airplane specific training and local airspace training.

What is included in the Customized Portal?

You have full authority on building the platform! builds a customized program which fits your schools needs. Typically the build out covers 3 specific segments:
1. FAA required pre-solo knowledge lessons and exams
2. Customized aircraft knowledge portals
3. Local airspace knowledge portals

Can I earn money with

Yes, there is a revenue share program. Flight schools usually make between $500-$1,000 per month in profit.

Reach out to your local rep for additional details.

Why should I use for my flight school?

Your students will be become better prepared pilots. They will understand their airplane, airspace and all required pre-solo information.

Students will have the ability to access hundreds of e-learning videos, exams including the FAA pre-solo exam, customized aircraft and airspace knowledge assessments.

In addition to having a better prepared student, your flight school will make more money. Flight schools earn $500-$1,000 in profit each month using